Maria Rochowicz
council member
Maria has been Tyniec’s lay Oblate since 2013. She is the author of a book-interview with Fr. Włodzimierz Zatorski, entitled “Po obu stronach rzeki” (On Both Sides of the River), a book compilation of memories of Poland’s Martial Law in the 1980s , entitled “Przyszli po mnie” (They Came For Me), and several small volumes of verse, including “ Misterium Tyńca” (The Mystery of Tyniec). She is a graduate in Polish Language and Literature. She has been manager of the company board office and PR manager in a large international firm, director of the promotion and culture department of the municipal office, and is currently owner of the Promotion 63 company. She is the mother of two, and owner of a Black Labrador.
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